L. Dundon
Web Development and Training
Certified Interactive Multimedia Designer
Web developer and designer specializing in database-driven
web applications; professional educator with 15 years' teaching
HTML, DHTML, Javascript, CGI, PHP, VBScript, ASP,
SQL; MySQL, MS Access, MS SQL Server, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe
Premiere, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Macromedia Director, Macromedia
Owner, Tower
Founded in Santa Barbara, CA, 2000
Studios provides expert web site development services, from
initial planning and design through site launch and ongoing
maintenance. We specialize in building database-driven Web
applications and interactive multimedia.
and Developer, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
Santa Barbara, CA, current (www.wagingpeace.org)
- Created
online members registration and tracking system with administrative
interface for foundation web sites, using ASP for database
- Added
suite of online data-collection forms for members joining
at seven different levels, and for users making donations,
signing appeals, or sending page referrals.
- Provided
scripting for website Members Area and integrated ASP discussion
- Built online quiz feature for foundation's educational
web site.
- Supplying
ongoing technical support and training.
Santa Barbara, CA, current (www.quizrunner.com)
- Used
ASP to build an online-learning application that allows
users to create and take quizzes through a browser interface.
- Created
database support to store student results and quiz contents.
Quizzes are generated dynamically, and results can be viewed
in table or chart form.
- Continuing
to add features as user base expands.
and Developer, LunaGifts.com
Santa Barbara, CA, current (www.lunagifts.com)
- Built
client's online store, selling gift baskets for people with
health problems.
- Refined
client's original design, creating custom ShopSite page
and product templates; prepared all images.
- Added customer
feedback form and customized shopping cart pages.
- Provided
ongoing technical support and back office management training.
The Munich Experience
Cleveland, OH, 2000 (www.cwru.edu/artsci/modlang/munich)
- Built informational
site on University-sponsored study abroad program, with accompanying
faculty pages.
- Created all
design and graphic content.
- Providing
ongoing technical support and content updates.
Network Project
Development Coordinator, Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH, 1992 to 1996
- Worked with
a team to develop Web-based linteractive language program with
students at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.
- Developed
curriculum and oversaw production of language exchange activities,
including e-mail and bi-campus, bilingual multimedia projects.
- Planned and
participated in annual Network Project Development and Curriculum
Planning Conferences in Tokyo and Cleveland.
to Top
UCSB Extension Programs
Santa Barbara, CA current
- "Interactive Multimedia
with Macromedia Director," UCSB Extension International Programs,
Summer 2001.
- "Editing
Digital Video with Adobe Premiere 6.0," UCSB Extension Digital Arts program,
Spring 2000.
- "Optimizing
Graphics for the Web," UCSB Extension Digital Arts program,
Summer 2000, 2001.
- "Elements
of Web Site Development Using HTML," UCSB Extension Digital
Arts program, Winter 2001.
Assistant, UCSB Extension Programs
Santa Barbara, CA current
- Courses in
Information Technology program, July-December 2000.
- Courses in
Digital Arts program, March-August 2000.
- Courses in
E-Commerce Development program, March, June, 2000.
and Assistant Professor, Japanese and Comparative Literature
Dept. of Modern Languages, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
OH 1992 to 1996
- "Elementary
Japanese I & II Intensive," 1992-95
- "Intermediate
Japanese I & II Intensive," 1993-95
- "Advanced
Japanese I & II," 1995-96
- "Topics
in Japanese," Fall 1995
- "Independent
Studies in Japanese," Spring 1995
- "Modern
Japanese Writers in Translation," Spring 1996
- "Trends
in Recent Fiction: The Grotesque," Spring 1996
Japanese and Comparative Literature
Washington University, St. Louis, MO 1988 to 1992
- "First
Level Intensive Modern Japanese I & II," 1986-91
- "Introduction
to Comparative Practice," Spring 1990
to Top
of International Education
Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, IA 1981 to 1984
- Managed foreign
student recruitment and admissions: 12% of student body from 30
- Provided
support services for enrolled foreign students.
- Developed
and maintained contacts with overseas alumni and educational institutions
in support of faculty exchange programs.
- Managed Cornell
International Center and campus international events.
of Public Information
Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, IA 1980 to 1981
- Produced
all official college publications.
- Organized
media relations and college activities promotion.
- Provided
program support for Offices of the President, Development, Alumni,
Admissions, and Student Affairs.
News Director
Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, IA 1978 to 1980
- Handled media
relations and produced all college news releases.
- Wrote and
edited college alumni magazine.
- Provided
photographic services for all campus events.
to Top
- "Using
the Internet in the Language Curriculum." CWRUNet Days Symposium,
Case Western Reserve University, April 1994.
- "Technology
and Language Pedagogy: Electronic Networking and Cross-Cultural
Communication." Association of Teachers of Japanese Annual
Meeting, Boston, April 1994.
- Panelist,
"Translating Between Truly Foreign Languages." CWRU
Symposium, Case Western Reserve University, October 1993.
- Presentation:
"Networking with a Japanese University: the Waseda-CWRU Project."
Lake Erie Teachers of Japanese Annual Meeting, East Lansing, MI,
April 1993.
- "Japanese
Literature and Film in the High School Curriculum." International
Education Consortium, St, Louis, July 1991.
- "Kanagawa
Kiko" (in Japanese). Inter-University Center for Japanese
Language Studies, Yokohama, June 1988.
- Editor, "The
International Center Newsletter." (Solely responsible for
content and production.) Quarterly publication, Cornell College,
1982 to 1985.
- Chair, "Newcomers"
and "Internationalizing the Curriculum." NAFSA Region
IV Annual Meeting, Omaha, NE, October 1983.
- "Recruitment
of Students in Northeast and Southeast Asia." NAFSA Region
IV Annual Meeting, Sioux Falls, SD, October 1982.
- Editor, "The
Cornell Report." (Solely responsible for content and production.)
Quarterly alumni magazine, Cornell College, 1978 to 1981.
- "Soyinkan
Aesthetics in Culture in Transition." First Annual Symposium
on African Literature, Ibadan, Nigeria, July 1976.
to Top
- Interactive
Multimedia Design Certificate, UCSB Extension Programs, 1999 to
- WebMaster
Designer and Web Site Manager Certificate, UCSB Extension Programs,
1999 to 2000.
- Ph.D.
Program in Japanese and Comparative Literature, Washington
University, 1986 to 1992 (ABD).
- Intensive
Graduate Language Program, Inter-University Center for Japanese
Language Studies, Yokohama, Japan, 1987 to 1988.
- Graduate
Studies in African Literature, University of Ibadan, Nigeria,
1975 to 1976.
- A.B., English,
magna cum laude, Bryn Mawr College, 1971 to 1975.
to Top
- Dean's
Award for Excellence in Teaching, Graduate School of Arts
and Sciences, Washington University, 1991.
- Washington
University Fellowship, Fall 1985; 1989 to 1992.
- Inter-University
Center Prize for Linguistic Competence in Japanese Literature,
- Japan
Foundation Fellowship, 1987 to 1988.
- Jacob
K. Javits Fellowship, U.S. Dept. of Education 1986 to 1989.
- DeFreitas
Scholarship for Research in Africa 1975 to 1976.
- Alumnae
Regional Scholarship, Bryn Mawr College, 1971 to 1975.