Document-Level Tags
<html>...</html> |
Creates an HTML document |
<head>...</head> |
Encloses the page
title and information about the HTML document |
<body>...</body> |
Encloses the visible
part of the document |
Head Tags
<title>...</title> |
Encloses the document
title |
<meta> |
Specifies information
about document. Requires attributes (ex: name="keyword") |
<script>...</script> |
Encloses Javascript
and other programming code |
<style>...</style> |
Encloses CSS (Cascading
Style Sheets) specifications |
Body Tag Attributes
<body bgcolor="color"> |
Sets the page's background color,
using name or hexadecimal value |
<body background="imageURL"> |
Specifies location of an image
to tile in the background. URL may be absolute or relative |
<body link="color"> |
Sets the color of links, using
name or hexadecimal value |
<body vlink="color"> |
Sets the color of visited links,
using name or hexadecimal value |
<body alink="color"> |
Sets the color of links on click,
using name or hexadecimal value |
Formatting Tags & Attributes
<br> |
Inserts a line break |
<p> |
Inserts a paragraph break (double
line break) |
<p>...</p> |
Adds paragraph spacing to blocks
of text. Accepts alignment attributes |
<p align="left"> |
Aligns enclosed paragraph with
left margin. Other values: "center", "right" |
<div>...</div> |
Formats large divisions of document.
Requires attributes |
<div align="left"> |
Aligns enclosed block of text
with left margin. Other values: "center", "right" |
<blockquote>...</blockquote> |
Indents enclosed text from both
sides |
List Tags & Attributes
<ul>...</ul> |
Encloses an unordered (bulleted)
list |
<ul type="disc"> |
Specifies bullet type. Other
values: "circle," "square" |
<ol>...<ol> |
Encloses an ordered (numbered
or sequential) list |
<ol type="1"> |
Specifies list numbering system.
Other values: "A," "a," "I," "i"
<ol start="1"> |
Specifies the starting value
of the item counter at the beginning of an ordered list. |
<li> |
Precedes each item in an unordered
or ordered list |
<li type="1"> |
Specifies item number type. Other
values: "A," "a," "I," "i"
<li value="1"> |
Specifies the particular value
of the item counter in an ordered list. |
Text Tags & Attributes
<h1>...</h1> |
Creates the largest of six levels
of boldfaced headline text |
<h6>...</h6> |
Creates the smallest of six levels
of boldfaced headline text |
<b>...</b> |
Creates boldfaced text |
<i>...</i> |
Creates italicized text |
<font>...</font> |
Applies type specifications to
enclosed text. Requires attributes |
<font face="typefamily"> |
Specifies the type family or
category of enclosed text |
<font size="number"> |
Specifies size of enclosed text.
Accepts values of 1(smallest) to 7 (largest) |
<font color="color">
Sets color of enclosed text,
using name or hexadecimal value (#CC0000) |
Link Tags & Attributes
<a>...</a> |
Anchor tag; creates a hyperlink.
Requires href attribute |
<a href="URL"> |
Specifies location of target
page for link. URL may be absolute or relative |
<a href="mailto:email"> |
Creates a "Mail To"
link |
<a href="#name"> |
Creates a link to a specified
target location in a document |
<a name="name"> |
Assigns a name to a target location
in a document |
<a target="name"> |
Specifies a target frame or browser
window into which to load a linked document |
Graphical Element Tags & Attributes
<hr> |
Inserts a horizontal rule. Accepts
attributes |
<hr size="number"> |
Sets height of rule in pixels |
<hr width="number"> |
Sets width of rule, in pixels
or percentage |
<hr align="left"> |
Aligns rule with left margin.
Other values: "center", "right" |
<img> |
Image tag; inserts an image.
Requires src attribute |
<img src="imageURL"> |
Specifies location of image to
be displayed. URL may be absolute or relative |
<img width="number"> |
Specifies width of image, in
pixels |
<img height="number"> |
Specifies height of image, in
pixels |
<img hspace="number"> |
Creates and specifies width of
buffer space to left and right of image, in pixels |
<img vspace="number"> |
Creates and specifies width of
buffer space above and below image, in pixels |
<img align="left"> |
Aligns image with left margin.
Other values: "center", "right" |
<img align="top"> |
Aligns top of image with top
of current text line. Other values: "middle", "bottom"
<img border="number"> |
Sets thickness of border around
image when image is a hyperlink |
Image Map Tags and Attributes
<img usemap="#name"> |
Specifies the image map to use
with a given image |
<map>...</map> |
Creates an image map |
<map name="name"> |
Assigns a name to a given image
map |
<area> |
Defines a mouse-sensitive area
and creates a hyperlink in an image map |
<area shape="rect"> |
Defines shape of mouse-sensitive
area in image map; accepts values "rect", "poly",
"circ" |
<area coords="x1,y1,x2,y2"> |
Defines X,Y coordinates for specified
shape in image map area, in pixels |
<area href="URL"> |
Specifies location of target
page for image map link. URL may be absolute or relative |
Table Tags
<table>...</table> |
Table tag; creates a table. Accepts
attributes |
<tr>...</tr> |
Table row tag; creates a row
in a table |
<td>...</td> |
Table data tag; creates a cell
within a table row |
<th>...</th> |
Table header tag; like <td>
tag, except centers and boldfaces any text content |
Table Tag Attributes
<table border="number"> |
Specifies thickness of table
border, in pixels |
<table align="left"> |
Aligns table with left margin.
Other values: "center", "right" |
<table cellpadding="number"> |
Creates and specifies width of
buffer space between table cell walls and contents, in pixels |
<table cellspacing="number"> |
Creates and specifies width of
space between table cells, in pixels |
<table bgcolor="color"> |
Sets the table's background color,
using name or hexadecimal value |
<table width="number"> |
Sets the table's width, in pixels
or percentage of browser window |
<table height="number"> |
Sets the table's height, in pixels
or percentage of browser window |
<tr align="left"> |
Aligns contents of entire row
with left of cells. Other values: "center", "right" |
<tr valign="top"> |
Aligns contents of entire row
with top of cells. Other values: "middle", "bottom" |
<tr bgcolor="color"> |
Sets the row's background color,
using name or hexadecimal value |
<td align="left"> |
Aligns contents of cell to the
left. Other values: "center", "right" |
<td valign="top"> |
Aligns contents of cell to the
top. Other values: "center", "right" |
<td bgcolor="color"> |
Sets the cell's background color,
using name or hexadecimal value |
<td width="number"> |
Sets the cell's width, in pixels
or percentage of entire table |
<td height="number"> |
Sets the cell's height, in pixels |
<td colspan="number"> |
Sets the number of columns a
single cell should span |
<td rowspan="number"> |
Sets the number of rows a single
cell should span |
Frameset Tags and Attributes
<frameset>...</frameset> |
Frameset tag; creates
a set of frames. Accepts attributes. |
cols="number,*"> |
Specifies size, number
of frameset columns, in pixels, percentage, or remainder. |
rows="number,*"> |
Specifies size, number
of frameset rows, in pixels, percentage, or remainder. |
<frame> |
Frame tag; creates
the frames in a frameset. Accepts attributes. |
<frame src="URL"> |
Specifies location
of content to be displayed in a frame. URL may be absolute
or relative |
<frame frameborder="number"> |
Turns frame borders
on or off. Values: "1" or "yes" = "on";
"0" or "no" = "off." |
<frame marginwidth="number"> |
Creates and specifies width of
left and right margins in frames, in pixels. |
<frame marginheight="number"> |
Creates and specifies height
of top and bottom margins in frames, in pixels. |
<frame scrolling="number"> |
Turns scrollbars on or off. Values:"yes"
= "on"; "no" = "off"; "auto"
= browser decides |
<frame noresize> |
Prevents user from resizing the
frame. Needs no value |
<frame name="name"> |
Assigns a name to a target frame
in a frameset |
<noframes>...</noframes> |
Passes content to user whose
browser does not support frames |
Embed Tag
<embed> |
Embed tag; inserts multimedia
clips. Requires src attribute |
<embed src="URL"> |
Specifies location of clip to
be played. URL may be absolute or relative |
<embed width="number"> |
Specifies width of multimedia
clip/controller in pixels |
<embed height="number"> |
Specifies height of multimedia
clip/controller in pixels |
<embed autoplay="true"> |
Turns automatic playback on or
off. Accepts values "true," "false" |
<embed controller="true"> |
Turns user control console on
or off. Accepts values "true," "false" |
<embed loop="true"> |
Sets clip to play once or loop
continuously. Accepts values "true," "false,"
"palindrome" |
<embed pluginspage="URL"> |
Specifies location of page where
appropriate plugin can be downloaded |
Form Tags and Attributes
<form>...</form> |
Form tag; creates
a form |
<form action="URL"> |
Specifies location
of form-processing script. URL may be absolute or relative |
<form method="get"> |
Specifies how form
data gets sent to server. Accepts values "get," "post" |
<form enctype="text/plain"> |
Specifies how transmitted
form data gets encoded |
<input type="text"> |
Creates a text entry
field in a form |
<input type="text"
name="name"> |
Assigns a unique
name to a text field (required) |
<input type="text"
size="number"> |
Specifies width of
text field in characters |
<input type="text"maxlength="number"> |
Specifies maximum
number of characters that can be entered in text field |
<input type="text"
value="text"> |
Sets text that will
display in field when the form is loaded |
<input type="password"> |
Creates a password
entry field in a form. Accepts same attributes as type="text" |
<input type="checkbox"> |
Creates a checkbox
in a form |
<input type="checkbox"
name="name"> |
Assigns a name to
a checkbox or group of checkboxes (required) |
<input type="checkbox"
value="text"> |
Assigns a unique
value to a checkbox that gets returned if the box is checked
(required) |
<input type="checkbox"
checked> |
Preselects the checkbox
when the form is loaded |
<input type="radio"> |
Creates a radio button
in a form |
<input type="radio"
name="name"> |
Assigns a name to
a group of radio buttons (required) |
<input type="radio"
value="text"> |
Assigns a unique
value to a radio button that gets returned if the button is
checked (required) |
<input type="radio"
checked> |
Preselects the radio
button when the form is loaded |
<input type="submit"> |
Creates the submit
button that tells the browser to send the form's data to the
server |
<input type="submit"
value="label"> |
Assigns a custom
label to the submit button (default is "Submit") |
<input type="reset"> |
Creates the reset
button that reloads a form in a browser |
<input type="reset"
value="label"> |
Assigns a custom
label to the reset button (default is "Reset") |
<select>...</select> |
Select list tag;
creates a drop-down menu or scrolling list of choices in a form |
<select name="name"> |
Assigns a name to
a select list (required) |
<select size="number"> |
Specifies the number
of select list items visible to the user at the same time |
<select multiple> |
Enables multiple
selections from a select list |
<input type="reset"
value="label"> |
Assigns a custom
label to the reset button (default is "Reset") |
<option> |
Option tag; creates
the individual items in a select list |
<option name="value"> |
Assigns a unique
value to a list item that gets returned if the item is selected |
<option selected> |
Preselects the list
item when the form is loaded |
<select multiple> |
Enables multiple
selections from a select list |
<textarea>...</textarea> |
Textarea tag; creates
a multiline text entry box in a form |
<textarea name="name"> |
Assigns a unique
name to a text entry box |
<textarea rows="number"> |
Sets the height,
in lines of text, of the text entry box |
<textarea cols="number"> |
Sets the width, in
number of characters, of the text entry box |
Meta Tags
<meta> |
Meta tag; specifies information
about document; appears in document head |
<meta name="name"> |
Identifies type of information
meta tag supplies; e.g., "keywords," "description" |
<meta content="text"> |
Informational content of the
meta tag |